Hello there. Hope everyone’s week is going well so far. Mine has been very “Meh” to say the least. My weekend was nice. Lots of family time. Which is always nice.
I just wanted to stop in and share the layouts that I created with
Paper Niche’s July Kit!
Gine was right when she said that this kit has to be one of the absolute best so far! It included my {new} favorite Fancy Pants collection “It’s the Little Things”!! I just love that line!!! Here's a look at the kit:

I’ve been splitting up the LOs each month to tease you, but I’m just going to go ahead and give them all to you at once this time around. I don’t have the mental energy to put too much into it:

So there you have it. As you can see, I was majorly inspired to scrapbook my wedding photos - this collection is MADE for wedding pics, in my opinion!!!
I have all of our professional wedding photos still in the fancy-shmancy book they came in almost 11 years ago. I look at them every so often, and I keep thinking how I’m really doing them a disservice by not scrapping them. But then I think of how many kiddo photos I have to scrap - seems like they accumulate on a daily basis {Oh! That’s because they do!}. I mean SO SO SO many. They’ve taken over! I really wanted to take the time out this month and honor my wedding pictures. Such a happy time for me & Sal.
We we’re highschool sweethearts, me & this boy. We met when I was in 9th & he was in 10th - at the end of the year. Not at school, but at the movie theater where he worked at the time. After we met, we’d realized that we literally passed each other every single day on our way to almost all of our classes. It’s funny how that works. I don’t believe in love at 1st sight. Maybe “like” at 1st sight. But sometimes things are funny like that. Fate. I believe in fate, I guess.
We were young. We had our share of break ups/make ups along the way, like any good, young, couple. Just over young stupidity and immaturity, I guess. But that last time, I was a senior - he had already graduated. I think I started to like someone else - which was really dumb. Anyway, I realized what I was missing and he stopped taking me for granted. We got back together after about 2-3 weeks. Both of us realized that we were in absolute REAL-REAL love and that if we wanted to stay together, we’d have to stick out the “tough times” together.
We were made for each other, as cliche as that sounds. It’s true. We compliment each other really well. We just work. We’re a great parenting team - we have each others’ backs. I’m really blessed. I love him with my whole heart, and the day we got married I just knew I was the luckiest girl around. We just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. Been together 16 years this past June. I really should’ve taken the time to scrap these pics earlier. Anyway... wow, you just got a wholelotta my history and I didn’t plan on that one!
I’m tempted to delete all of this - except for the pictures - but I wont. You are my friends, after all ;). Hope your day is awesome. So far, mine was so-so {at best} but I’ve now got a huge smile on my face, just thinking about this boy.